Vanderbilt is happy to welcome one of our newest Financial Professionals, Tammy J. Simpson. Tammy joins us from Snow Hill, MD.

Tammy is the President of Trilogy Financial Service Co. and has been in the financial services industry for 26 years. She started in the business as an assistant to her mother, being brought up in the financial services industry. She values the relationships she has with her clients, some of which go back thirty years.

“I am excited to join the team at Vanderbilt Financial. As soon as I started reviewing information about the company I felt like this was the right fit. Vanderbilt holds all of the values and views on clients, family, and co-worker relations that are in line with mine.”, said Tammy J. Simpson. Additionally, she stated that “She is looking forward to building her business.” with Vanderbilt.

“Having grown up in the industry, Tammy knows firsthand the value of serving your clients’ best interests and the importance of building meaningful relationships with them. These values align perfectly with Vanderbilt’s, and our culture of GRITT” – Joe Trifiletti, President